Why Are My Trees Losing Leaves Already?

Fall is right around the corner and everyone is getting ready to watch the trees display their beautiful colors before going dormant for winter.

“But what if my trees are already losing their leaves before fall”?

Trees dropping leaves during summer can be caused by a variety of factors. It is always best to have your trees evaluated by an ISA certified arborist if your trees look unhealthy. However, we have listed a few factors that could play a part in premature leaf drop.

Drought stress

Georgia summers can be rough on your trees, especially newly planted trees or ones that are already suffering from another health issue. Making sure they are on a proper watering schedule (early morning) during those times of high temperatures and little rain can help them recover faster.


Summertime creates the perfect breeding ground for pests and disease of all shapes and sizes to enter and take over. If you suspect your trees have fallen victim to pests and disease, it is important to call an arborist right away for a tree inspection to prevent further spread.

Crowded canopy

Regular maintenance tree pruning is imperative for your trees. It improves their overall aesthetics as well as clears out the canopy of dead limbs and overcrowded foliage. Sometimes trees can grow more leaves than they can support so leaf drop will occur in order to protect them from hot, dry weather.

If you still have questions about your trees health, click the link below to be connected with an ISA certified arborist today!


North American Tree Service

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