Signs Your Tree Is Under Stress

Most trees that have reached maturity will be fairly easy to care for an require minimum maintenance. However, other factors can also come into play. If you have noticed any of the following signs or symptoms of stress on your trees in Stone Mountain, Ga. be sure to call a Certified Arborist at North American Tree Service to schedule a free estimate for your trees before it is too late! Here are a few signs to look out for:

Dropping Limbs

Limb dropping is a very common thing that could be from either a poor pruning job that resulted in the limbs not healing properly to form strong bonds, internal tree problems such as bacterial wetwood or just part of that specific tree’s nature. River birch trees for example are known to drop large limbs and branches year round without any cause or explanation. However, more often than not, a tree that is dropping limbs in Stone Mountain, Ga. is a definite cause for worry and should be assessed by an Arborist at North American Tree Service as soon as possible.

Yellowing/Dropping Leaves

Overwatering or drought are the most common causes of the trees dropping leaves. This could also be a nutrient deficiency in the soil. When you call North American Tree Service, we can perform soil test in Stone Mountain, Ga. and determine if the soil is causing a problem for the tree and if any nutrients need to be added.

Slimy Discharge

Improper pruning cuts leave your trees exposed to all types of damage including pests and slime flux. This bacterial deisease causes sap to ooze from the wound. If this has already infected you trees, its best to call a Certified Arborist as soon as possible to assess the damage and give you a treatment plan.

Peeling Bark

Trees will naturally exfoliate themselves and rid the dead layers as it grows. However disease, insect and animal fungus are the most common reasons for peeling bark. These are usually the last stages of tree decline, meaning the tree most likely will not be able to be saved at this point. However, one of our certified Arborist’s will be able to determine how far along the decay has actually gone and if the tree can be saved or not.

Ants Around The Trunk

Carpenter ants only nest and feed on decayed wood, meaning there could be a much larger problem with the tree. The actual decay of the tree could be caused by a number of factors including drought, environmental stress, disease etc. This could be determined at the time of the estimate by one of our certified Arborists at North American Tree Service.

Mushrooms Near The Base

Honey fungus is a deadly fungi that attacks a trees root system and causes decline. Signs of honey fungi are flat top, yellow-brown mushrooms near the base of your trees. These are usually cause by overwatering since mushrooms and other fungi thrive in extremely wet conditions. Not performing proper prunes on your dead and diseased limbs can also cause the invasion of this fungi. If you notice this fungi growing on your property in Stone Mountain, Ga. be sure to call a Certified Aborist from North American Tree Service to assess the other trees and plants around it, as this disease is easily spread.

Keep your trees healthy and call today for an estimate on your trees by a Certified Arborist from North American Tree Service!

North American Tree Service

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