How & When To Start Apple Trees

Apple trees can be easy to care for once you are on a routine maintenance plan and learn to understand your tree and what works best for its specific characteristics. Apple trees hardiness zone is 7a-8b, if you are trying to grow your apple trees outside of this zone, it will be much more difficult and might require a temperature controlled building.

Size & habit

Apple trees can reach up to 35 feet height & width. There are semi dwarf varieties available that are smaller, 15-20 feet. They prefer full sun with well drained soil and will not survive wet feet or overwatering.

When should I plant apple trees?

Apple trees should be planted in fall after the first frost or early spring.

What kind of maintenance is necessary for an apple tree?

Routine proper pruning is necessary to train your apple trees. Along with other trees, apple trees need to be pruned in dormant season, fall/winter. This pruning will include dead branches, thinning the fruit to produce better quality apples, weak & nonproductive branches, vertical suckers, damaged branches and water sprouts. It is also important to keep the weeds out from the bottom of the tree by applying a thin layer of mulch, keeping it away from the trunk of the tree. Animals and wildlife are drawn to apple trees so it might be necessary to install a fence around them to keep them out.

How do I keep the pests away from my apple tree?

When it comes to fruit trees, pests will be a difficult thing to keep away without insecticide sprays. Routine fertilizations and insecticides are offered at North American Tree Service in Snellville and can help to ensure the growth and health of your apple trees in Snellville.

Still have questions? We are staffed with certified Arborists in Snellville ready to assist you with your next tree planting project! Use the link to call us below for your free esimate!

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North American Tree Service

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