How To Winterize Fruit Trees

Prevention is key in caring for fruit trees. After your fruit trees have become infested with certain diseases such as peach leaf curl, brown rot, or pests, it can be much more costly to cure the problem rather than simple prevention.

If you haven’t yet planted your fruit trees yet, its a good idea to do some research on different varieties. There are many different specimens of fruit trees that are resistant to the bigger diseases and problems such as:




How do I prepare my fruit trees for winter?

The first step in preparing your trees for winter time is doing a good old fashioned fall cleanup. This includes removing any rotten or dropped fruit on the ground and on the trees and raking up all the leaves around the base that could be a good hiding spot for particular pests.

Next, you will want to establish, if you haven’t already, a solid maintenance tree trimming plan with an ISA certified arborist. Tree trimming in winter is vital to removing all dead and diseased branches, allowing your trees to reach their full potential next season and ward off any threats of pests entering old wounds. Be sure you have your tree trimming done in winter time, their dormant season, unless otherwise deemed necessary by an ISA certified arborist.

Finally, you can choose to spray dormant oils, a non toxic prevention method that seems to work well for apple trees, plum trees and pear trees in winter. This can help to keep common pests like aphids and scale insects away.

If you have fruit trees that could use some attention or would like more tips and tricks to provide them with the best fruit tree care in Snellville, click the link below to be connected with one of our certified arborists now!

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North American Tree Service

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