Does My Japanese Maple Have Leaf Scorch?


Japanese maples are one of the most commonly planted specimen for good reason! They are available in a range of different colors and sizes to cater to your yards specific needs. They are also considered a pretty low maintenance tree for those of us who weren’t blessed with a green thumb.

However they aren’t the cheapest type of variety to plant, and are relatively slow growers so when you notice something off about their leaves, you want to fix it immediately!

In Georgia, heat advisory’s are just par for the course and something that we (and our trees) eventually just get used to. But if you have noticed leaf drop or browning of the leaves of your Japanese Maple it is always important to dive deeper to ensure your tree is not battling a larger issue.

There are a few reasons why your beautiful leaves might be extra crispy this season including:


Even the most mature of trees can still need extra watering at times so make sure your tree is on a healthy watering regimen that fits both of your needs.

Too much sun exposure.

Some varieties of Japanese Maple cannot tolerate full sun areas. Environmental leaf scorch can be the cause of your brown, crunchy leaves if they aren’t getting any time to cool off during the day.

Pest infestations.

Aphids and scales are the top predators of the Japanese Maple tree. Not sure what those are or how to find them? Give us a call to have your trees diagnosed by one of our ISA certified Arborists.

Still have questions about your Japanese Maple tree health?

Call an arborist now!

North American Tree Service

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