Why Do Some Trees Stay Green Year Round?

With spring right around the corner, all of us are anxiously awaiting the beautiful color brought back on the leaves and flowers of all our favorite deciduous trees(trees that drop their foliage and flowers in fall). But why do some trees hold on to their deep green color while others don’t?

Evergreen trees…

Evergreen trees were originally established and brought in from colder climate areas, which gives their needles the shape and texture they have. The shape of evergreen leaves allows them to hold maximum moisture and nutrients in order to survive throughout the winter months.

Deciduous trees…..

In winter, deciduous trees will drop their leaves and close up their buds in order to protect the tree from harsh weather. Evergreen trees will continue to photosynthesize throughout winter, allowing them to keep their deep green color.

A few examples of our favorite deciduous trees are:

  • Oak

  • Poplar

  • Maple

A few examples of our favorite evergreen trees are:

  • Cedar

  • Cypress

  • Cryptomeria

Thinking about planting a tree in Grayson this spring? We can help! Give us a call using the link below to consult with a certified Arborist in Grayson on which trees would be best suited for your specific landscape.

Call an Arborist

North American Tree Service

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