How To Get Rid Of Spider Mites

Have you noticed small yellow or brown spots on the leaves of your trees or plants this year? Maybe even small spider webs on the leaves with little to no sign of actual pest presence?

Your landscape might have become victim to pesky spider mites.

What are spider mites?

Spider mites are a pesky pests that are rarely able to be seen with the naked eye and live on the underside of the leaves of your trees and plants spinning webs that can ultimately lead to the death of those specimen. They are only about one millimetre big and have different shades of red, yellow, black or brown.

What do they feed on?

Spider mites are not picky eaters. They will feed on just about any type of tree or plant you have in your garden without complaint. They ultimately feed on the bottom of your tree leaves, leaving the signs of damage on the top portions.

How can I get rid of them?

Depending on the severity of your infestation, it is always best to consult with a certified arborist in Athens before making any decisions that could ultimately affect the overall health of your trees. However, there are a couple quick fixes you can use to minimize the damage until an arborist can come to your property.

  • Spray the tree or plant with water to dislodge any webbing and release as many mites as possible making sure to get the underside of the leaves.

  • Many retail stores carry insecticidal soap that you can spray early in the morning or in the evening every 7-10 days to kill further eggs from hatching.

  • Neem oil is an organic remedy used by a large amount of gardeners as an all natural way to rid your trees and plants from a large number of pests.

If you have done all of these steps and are still having any issues with your trees dropping leaves, browning or yellowing, please give us a call using the link below to be connected with a certified Arborist in Athens to assist you with any tree pest issues you might be having.

Call an Arborist

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